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VDC® eConsent is an innovative, regulatory-compliant, patient-friendly, remote consent system for clinical trials. VDC® eConsent automates the patient enrollment process and onboard patients directly into Captivate® EDC, improving overall consent tracking management, reducing informed consent errors, and easing the administrative burden for sites and study teams. It also enhances the patient experience with easy-to-understand clinical trial information while improving participant compliance and boosting patient engagement.

Speeds Start-up and Studies

  • Integrates with Captivate® EDC, Captivate® Randomization, and VDC® eCOA/ePRO for a single-site experience.
  • Facilitates guaranteed signature compliance, remote consent monitoring, and site screening metrics.
  • Provides global localization capabilities, enabling configuration for multiple languages and regulatory environments.
  • Shortens the VDC® eConsent study and site set-up timeline from months to weeks.
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